Home of Love Philippines

Imagine a nun going undercover, walking the streets at night rescuing women and children from the world of human trafficking.

This is but one of the missions in the Philippines; rescuing women and children victims of prostitution from the streets and bringing them to our Home of Love or My Bonita Home for Girls. The Philippines unfortunately rank 4th in the world with prostituted children. Averaging 15 years and some as young as 8, girls are forced into five to ten sexual encounters nightly. Most are drugged by their handlers so they can endure the horror and then many become dependent on narcotics. As a respite for the victims of sex trafficking and prostitution, the Home of Love offers shelter, rehabilitation and child care for those with children, while providing hope, love and dignity towards a well deserving life of happiness.

Sisters in street clothes visiting brothels

 Programs include:
-Temporary shelter
-Basic health care, food and nutrition
-Maternity and Medical Assistance
-Psychological Therapy and Counseling
-Recreational Activities
-Spiritual Formation
-Educational assistance
-Livelihood & skills training: baking, sewing, cooking & catering, candle-making, etc.
-Child Care for young mothers with children as they rehabilitate.

The objective is to facilitate the transition period to their rehabilitation by physically providing an environment that is conducive to reformation, until such a time that they can stand on their own. When walking the streets the Sisters travel in pairs, not dressed in habits.

One will go into a bar and offer love and a listening ear to the young women who may need someone to turn to, while the other acts as a lookout. If the Sisters befriended an underage girl, arrangements are made with an orphanage where the child can receive a new home and education.

Others who are befriended and express a willingness to leave and change their life are told to meet the next day or in the future, in a safe place, and the Sisters explain the benefits of starting a new life in their Home of Love. If they are willing all arrangements are made by MQHM and the rescue begins. While it sounds like risky business so far there has been no harm against the Sisters.  They fight prostitution in a non-violent way. The Home of Love is expanding to accommodate over 100 victims at any one given time and is in dire need of assistance to sustain the care and responsibility for the girls.