About Us
Our Mission
To RESCUE women & children victims of sex trafficking, sheltering and offering rehabilitation in our Homes of Love while giving them an opportunity to live a decent life with Christ at its center.
To EDUCATE the children of the Philippines in an effort to combat the evils of prostitution.
dressed in street clothes, we rescue children and women victims of prostitution and sex trafficking. Underage children…waiting for customers to pick them up and being paid a small amount of money to augment their family sustenance. Bar dancers, tourist escorts and the poorest of the poor who have fallen victim to the handlers who roam the desperate rural villages promising parents “good jobs in the city” for their girls.
With the Sisters chosen by the “New Eve”, the Woman clothed with the sun (Rev. 12:1), God shall liberate these women back to Her image of unblemished dignity.
Sister Corazon Salazar 1996
An Incredible Story
Nearly three decades ago, seven Roman Catholic Filipino women living in Manila began spreading Marian Devotion among families and children. These working women, as a group, spent their weekends conducting talks on the Rosary, leading rosary prayer sessions, and discussing the Brown Scapular. All was done in a lay outreach ministry to teach Filipino children about Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
In 1996 Corazon J. Salazar from Bulacan, one of these seven friends who owned her own Ready to Wear clothing store in Baclaran, Paranaque, was on her way to work. She regularly passed along the long strip of Mabini Avenue in Manila, known as the Red Light District. Foreign nationals with Filipino girls were a common sight, with many being so young. Day after day, she witnessed the same scenario and was deeply touched with pity for the young girls and women engaged in prostitution and sex trafficking. She developed a strong desire to help them out of this cycle of misery and reform their lives for the better. She confided her strong compassion for these lost victims to her six friends, and came to believe without any doubt that the Holy Spirit was prompting her to act. With all of them inhabiting an unmatched love for the Blessed Mother, they felt it was their calling to help save these girls and women and rescue them from their futile position and bring them back to Jesus. Her companions were Lucia Baul, a teacher, Myrna Baul, her younger sister, Gliceria Cruz who worked in a laboratory in Manila, Pauline Mendoza, an office clerk, Josefa Baquiran and Jeodalyn Alontaga, friends of Pauline
All seven agreed to leave their homes and careers and live together in the common cause of lifting these women and children up and out of prostitution. They didn't know how they would do it, but they started a community among themselves in Manila with the utmost faith in Divine Providence. Corazon, strong-willed and courageous, sold her business and gave all the proceeds to this new community of seven she was about to found. They took Mary Queen of Heaven as their Patroness, the woman clothed with the sun, the moon at her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head (Rev. 12:1. 6)
More sisters were added from various parts of Cebu and Pampanga. Enduring the community's struggles and possessing perseverance with the help of God's grace, the community grew. Through those early years, the hardships and mission molded them as though for a battle. They bore trials and rigid training in their religious formation and began to develop food preparation skills. This decision was in anticipation of feeding a multitude of needy people as well as a means of sustaining their livelihood. On August 4, 2000, His Eminence Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal, Archbishop of Cebu, established Mary Queen of Heaven Missionaries as a Catholic Association of the Faithful in the Archdiocese of Cebu. On August 22, 2003, and the occasion of the Feast of the Queenship of Mary, Cardinal Vidal canonically elevated Mary Queen of Heaven Missionaries to a Public Association of the Faithful in the Archdiocese of Cebu, recognizing Sr. Ma. Corazon J. Salazar as foundress and the six original sisters as co-founders, as well as Msgr. Frederick B. Kriekenbeek who had helped them over the formative years.
Now officially recognized as the Catholic Institute Mary Queen of Heaven Missionaries, the Sisters, with the help of lay mission partners, conducted a comprehensive national survey on the extent and reach of prostitution and sex trafficking in the Philippines. Findings revealed recruiters continually roamed the villages of the poorest of the poor, where young girls fell prey to these traffickers who promised their parents "good jobs in the city". Along with their sons, many families work as tenant farmers and live in dilapidated huts with no means to even provide daily sustenance for their children. As as a result of the tabulated study combined with their years of experience, the Sisters realized and surmised that extreme poverty was the root cause of prolific prostitution in the Philippines. So, they developed a Two-Phase Plan and began addressing the immediate needs of the myriad of girls who were desperate for a way out of their unspeakable situation.
PHASE I: The Home of Love Rehabilitation & Livelihood Skills Training Center
MQHM established the The Home of Love Rehabilitation & Livelihood Skills Training Center in Bagasawe, Tuburan, Cebu. On July 10, 2005, twenty residents consisting of single minors and single mothers with children entered with nothing but the courage of their convictions to begin a new life. The objective of The Home of Love was to facilitate the transition on the road to their rehabilitation by physically providing an environment that was conducive to reformation until they were able to stand on their own. "Love with Discipline" was their motto. Surrounded by mountains that symbolized God's love and protection while overlooking the blue and tranquil sea, The Home of Love was born in which the Blessed Mother abided through the Sisters' loving care. Carefully designed goals and programs are part of the curriculum and include:
-Immediate and temporary shelter
-Basic health care, food, and nutrition
-Maternity and medical assistance
-Professional, psychological therapy and counseling
-Recreational activities
Spiritual formation
-Educational assistance
-Livelihood & skills training: baling, sewing, cooking, catering, candle making, scapular and rosary making
-Childcare for young mothers with children
Firmly believing that poverty in the rural mountain areas of the Philippines is the root cause of children lured into sex trafficking and prostitution, the organization implemented the second phase of the plan. For parents of the rural poor, providing basic school supplies is nearly impossible, so many children stay away from school. As a result, their possibilities of a decent life are minimal. Due to this rampant poverty, boys work the tenant farms, and the girls have no alternatives but to help at home. Before introducing their education assistance plan, a sense of trust had to be built, so the Sisters journeyed into the mountains, conducting house to house visits, beginning with remote villages. To engage the villagers, they began holding monthly feeding events. Eventually clothes and supplies were handed out and the Sisters would schedule Masses and confession services on certain months, inviting all to come and participate. Due to the remoteness of villages and shortages of the clergy, priests were seldom seen so these were welcomed gatherings.
It has now been 25 years and we have opened the My Bonita Home for Girls in Talamban, Cebu, PI. for abused children and the Regina Coeli Home of Love Women’s Shelter in Los Angeles, California.
PHASE II: The Regina Coeli Educational Assistance Program
April 8, Easter Sunday 2007, saw the formal launch of The Regina Coeli Education Assistance Program. The Sisters' program had begun with helping families in the remote villages, and after piecing together a network of lay teachers and volunteers who became known as Mission Partners, they were able to convince parents and children of the long-term value of education. MQHM registered 550 families for their new program designed to educate the poor and help thwart the proliferation of sex trafficking.
So, The Regina Coeli Education Assistance Program came to be. Providing school supplies, uniforms, backpacks, raincoats, allowance, and transportation for elementary and high school students, enrollment into the program grew exponentially. Complete high school scholarships are awarded to deserving students who show continued dedication and promise. Spiritual formation sessions are held for families in their rural homes to instill a love for God and His Divine Mercy. The goal of The Regina Coeli Education Program is to uplift the dignity of human lives by encouraging education and offering spiritual guidance and hope.
The Mary Queen of Heaven Missionaries was conceived in the very womb of the Mother of God by the power of the Holy Spirit, through divine inspiration to Corazon Salazar of Manila and her six companions.
Sr, Ma. Corazon J Salazar, Founder
Wedded to the glorious path of Christ, the sisters wholeheartedly surrendered themselves to God’s special design of salvation for the victims horrifically trapped in the sex-trafficking trade. With Mary, they search and bring back to the bosom of the Father, the lost women of Paradise. As they go out at night and penetrate the “red light districts”, the Sisters listen attentively to the outpouring of the problems of the older girls and recognize they have a thirst for God and hope of rescue from their unspeakable life. Through the miraculous touch of the “Mother of Mercy” and the warm embrace and open hearts of the Sisters, many regain direction towards a second chance and renewed life with God in MQHM Home of Love.
Armed with their trusting faith in God and with the “Crown of Power” of the Queen of Heaven, with Her angels and Her weapons of salvation (the Holy Rosary and the Brown Scapular), they shall conquer triumphantly the enemies of womanhood in the north, south, west and east of the Philippines and the whole world bringing glorious souls to God.
To bring back God’s fallen and unfortunate children to His fold through our expression of the loving compassion of Jesus,
especially to the outcasts of society.
We, the Mary Queen of Heaven Missionaries commit ourselves to make Jesus
and Mary the true, living inspiration and example of our lives. We give full faith and love to the Catholic Church and promise to be faithful to her teachings, living our life in simplicity, justice, integrity and unity. We truly dedicate ourselves to help the poor victims return to God and the outcasts of society
to recover their dignity as His children.
The Heart of the Good Shepherd, shared by Mary, moves us to seek the
young victims, the stray and fallen, and in the love of the Father that the Spirit gives, to gather them together to His Bosom so that there be
one flock under one Shepherd.
John 10:11-18
With Mary to unite to the sacrifice of Jesus, consumed with His love for the
Father and inflamed with zeal for the return of the wayward, we give our
whole life to the mission of salvation and evangelization He entrusted
to the Church by the power of His Spirit.
John 20:21-22, Mark 16:15-20
The salvation and rehabilitation of the victims and outcasts of society and
provide education possibilities to the rural poor.